I went to my friend’s blog the other day and upon seeing one of her entry, I am inspired to talk about something other then manga/anime (which is not the only thing I know, in case people are wondering, but it is just that my blog mainly deals with them.) the problem with blog is that sometimes i feel like typing what happen is a repeat in my diary…so that’s why my blog often get missed out- although it is different.

Anyway, my friend talked about how she read this really sad children’s story the other day, and she even put it up, and upon reading it I was really touched, as it is such a tragic and beautiful story. The story is called “Tadpole’s promise” and here is a link to her blog:!E9FF89113EC2E152!147.entry#comment
where you can read the story. I really want to put the story up but I haven’t ask my friend yet so for now, please just read it on her blog.

I also felt inspired to put talk about a story that I read as a child, which really touched me. There are a lot of children’s book in my house that we brought from Taiwan, and one of them contains this story which really touched me- as it talks about the idea of what the thing you are searching is actually right beside you, if not being yourself. but I really like the story, and one point I even attempt to translate it into English- which didn’t go well, since my grammer suck. But then one day last year I had the idea of seeing if I can find it on the internet- although I don’t even know what language it is. After a few tries of typing in the title (what I think the title will be in English) I actually discovered the whole thing on internet.

The story is called “The Great Stone Face” and it is by Nathaniel Hawthorne. If you type that in, you should probably be able to find a full version of the story. But anyway, I will do a summary of the story, it is not a very long story and it is really worth reading!

1 = the story is set in a valley where it is over looked by the Great stone face- a group of rock that looks like the face of a man if you look at it from a distant.
2 = the protagonist is Ernest, and in the very beginning of the story he is only a little child. He learns that there is a prophecy in the valley that one day there will be a man who looks exactly like the great stone face. Since that day, he begins to wait for the prophecy to come true.
3 = Throughout his life, there are times when the valley believe the man to have arrive, but unlike the others, Ernest is able to realize that they are not the man the prophecy spoke of so much quicker then the others in the valley. The first man believed to be the exact image of the great stone face is a merchant (Which happens when Ernest is a boy), then a general (when Ernest is a young man), then a politician (Ernest is then a middle aged man), finally- the man is believed to a be a poet.
4 = when Ernest met the poet he is an old man, and once more he is disappointed when he find out that the poet is not the man who looks exactly like the great stone face.
5 = later on that day the poet realizes that Ernest is actually the one who look exactly like the stone face man. We know that this is not wrong, because through out the story there are hints- such as people visiting Ernest then looks at the great stone face when they leave, and say how familiar it seems; as well as how Ernest have a bond with the great stone face that is stronger then anyone else.
6 = but the story ends with Ernest walking home and hope that he will find a wiser man then him who would look more like the great stone face.

Basically that is the story, and please find a copy of the whole thing and read it…it really is really really good! I love the story, especially the idea of Ernest waiting and wanting to see the man who looks like the great stone face when it is him self all along. I also like the ending too...I think that’s a sign of him being the man in the prophecy too.

This is the final paragraph of the story, and I typed it up because I really like it.

“Then all the people looked, and saw that what the deep-sighted poet said was true. The prophecy was fulfilled. But Ernest, having finished what he had to say, took the poet’s arm, and walked slowly homeward, still hoping that some wiser and better man than himself would by and by appear, bearing a resemblance to the Great Stone Face.”

But before I leave I just have to have a rant about the anime of Ayashi no Ceres! The other day my sister’s friend lend me her dvd which contains the anime of Ayashi no Ceres (same friend who gave Fushigi Yugi to us). And so I naturally began to see part of the anime to see the appearance of my favourite charater: Shuro. This is my thought after seeing her appearance in the anime: I want to kill the guy who did the anime. Ok…like Fushigi Yugi, it is not anyone’s fault that Watase Yuu’s drawing just look so much more beautiful on paper, so I’m not angry that Ceres and Shuro don’t look at nice as they do in the manga. But on the other hand, why did they reduce Shuro’s character, and why did they give her such an ugly voice when there is the whole emphasize of her having a very beautiful voice? In the manga Shuro is meant to be a very important character, and her story is really tragic- basically volume 6 consists mainly of her story. But the anime reduce it to a five second flash back, her boy friend didn’t even say anything, he just briefly appear for five second. (Although at least he come out as she die, otherwise I think I will refuse to watch the anime.) Shuro is suppose to be really important as she end up one of Aya’s good friend and even give up so much to help Aya, and she comes out a lot in the manga too! Instead, in the anime they just reduce her to a random character that only appeared for about 5 minute in one episode of the anime!!! This is worse then what happened to Fushigi Yugi.

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