Hurray! I have finally finished my exams…evil evil evil!!! So now I have holidays…where I can sleep as much as I want and not have to get up in the morning and study. (sigh with happiness).
Anyway…I remembered that for classics we did some poems by Ovid and one of his poems in Amore just really crack us up. It is basically a poem about how he loves all type of women, if they admire his poems then he love them, as they are admirers, if they dislike his poems, he’ll still love them as he want to try and change their mind. Basically, it’s a really witty poem. My sister did the same paper and so she studies that poem and the other day we were just talking about character deaths when we suddenly remember the poem and joked that we could twist the poem to fit into character deaths, how every type of character can be justified in dying. i.e. main character’s death will be more tragic, while a minor character might be killed because the author doesn’t want to kill main character. So anyway…this is what I did one day when I got really bored. I suppose you can say it is a tribute to Ovid, although this poem that I wrote is absolutely random.

“It is the sad truth that almost every author secretly indulges a delight
In the destruction of the children they gave birth to by their hands’ weaving
Even though they weep tears at the death as much as a parent,
They still choose to kill for the sake of a greater good:
The creation of impact by the use of tragedy to seduce readers
Yet the worst part of all this is that there is always a justification, a reason
Either their death would result in the most amount of tears,
Or that it is best for that character to die

If they are a major character, then all the readers would wail their heart out
Completely moved at this unfairness
On the other hand, killing a minor character would still cause tears,
But it would not send your book flying due to anger
Had the character been praying for death? Why should you deny their wish?
They always struggle to live? That makes their death all the more bitter
Those who filled their purpose may die in peace
While those who did not would motivate the ones that mourn for them
For those with no purpose…death is the ultimate enlightment
If they were not in love then it is better for them to die instead of lovers
As for those in love? The most beautiful deaths are those who die for love
Ones who love unrequitedly find death as the perfect opportunity for confession and realization
They were loved back? Readers weep for the ones that are left behind
As for those whose lovers died already? It is too cruel to deny them a reunion

Lastly, surely any villain deserves to die
While death is the greatest sacrifice for a hero to achieve heroism”

Like I said, totally random. But on a serious note, I seriously cannot stand authors who cry and say that they had to kill their characters, or such crap like their characters cannot not be killed or these kind of stuff. I am really referring to Rowling who was crying about Sirius Blake’s death at the fact that he had to die, and she could not save him etc, because I think that is totally crap. Sorry Rowling fans, sorry Harry Potter fans but I think what she did is just…hypocritical. Ultimately as an author, you are the creator of your characters and you choose to let them die, no one else. You can feel sad at their death, I understand that, but you are the one who choose to let them die. If you really don’t want them to die you can change your plot to make them live. Ultimately, characters die because you want to let them die.

白石 藏之介 Shiraishi Kuranosuke(3年)(CV:細谷佳正)


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