Finally...the first week passed, how I survive it I do not know, so don't even ask me how I plan to survive the rest what 11 weeks? The first week of university is the only time you can relax, or at the very least not to be killed by work. Anyway today was quite strange...almost rather eventful. [I am very happy with my blog at live journal so I have no intention to change it to MSN, despite being pestered to, I think I like live journal because I just do- and this site throws less tantrum then MSN. So I have no intention of changing it, and live journal is pretty reliable as many people uses it.]

I don't like Friday that much now because a= university starts at 8am so I have to get up at 6:30am, which really sucks! Then I have a big as gap which I suppose could be interpreted as work, but the other factor b= work. Honestly, I am starting to think that Warehouse Stationary is cursed, because the supervisors are just getting really bad. Let's see...
1st guy=pretty good
2nd guy=he's the best
3rd guy=extreme...didn't allow us to talk at all, so many times we actually retorted to gesturing, it may sound quite funny but it was really frustrating and dead boring to not be able to talk for like at least an hour at times. (although to do him justice, he does know what he is doing and once or twice, was rather nice- a bit rare though)
4th guy=he's nice but a bit too nice, too loose? He didn't solve my problem at work until my breakdown.
5th guy=the worse I have seen so far, because everyone wonders whether he actually knows what he is doing, right now the unified answer is NO! He is trying to rearrange the whole store or something, as well as making the shelves so pack that it's going to blow up one day!

But leaving work aside, I don't really want to talk about it more then necessary, although the other day I told the ginger cat about how I had some problems at work and I think she would have came and...and um...have a good shout at the two guys who were giving me a hard time had I told her that I wanted to. As I was saying, I had a class at 8am, it was impossible to fall asleep even if you wanted to, because our lecturer seems to be well aqquaintened with methods of walking us on the table repeatively, and suddenly
yelling...but I must have been really tired as I got home aat about 3pm and went straight to bed, and I didn't wake up till 5:30pm... a rarity for me because as most of my close friends know, I have rally bad cases of insomnia, so I must have been really tired.

I got to buy some papers for scrapbooking today, I finally decided to give scrapbooking a go so I brought a scrapbook on Monday with a few paper(why is it so expensive- $14.99? And I brought the cheapest) and today I brought more paper (the price for these 6 sheets of 12" times 12" scrapbooking paper still brings a tear to my eyes as I think about it...ok that is exaggeration but seriously, the price of just one sheet of square paper is so much!) But so far doing the scrapbooking is quite fun, although I'm pretty uncreative, I'm just sticking photos on with some explanations, and I only have a few pages.

Something that I also did was to watch a bit of Fushigi Yugi (if this was manga then the equivalent of what I was doing would be flipping) but it is not my fault completely! I can't watch the rest 30+ episode that I didn't get to watch in the holidays! But I did watch episode 48 in full- and I ended up crying. For those who have read the manga or/and read the anime and know me could probably guess what happened in episode 48: It shows Hotohori's death and it was soooooooo sad! I couldn't help but to start crying (funnily, the last time I cried watching anime was when I watched episode 16 of X, when Seishiro finally dies, that is really sad too...) But I feel as if the director of the anime wanted to make up for Hotohori's absence in the second half of the anime by the great detail on his death, it seemed a final emphasize on his importance. It was done really beautifully, sadly see flashes/montages of him with the song 'Message' playing over everything. I was listening to Message just then and I'm always going to associate that song with his death now...sniff...sniff...

I guess this random entry is long enough, and I don't really feel like starting a more longer topic, so I will end here!

橘 桔平
神尾 彰
伊武 深司
石田 鐵
櫻井 雅也
內村 京介
森 辰德


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