Sanada: “Yukimura, I am sorry. Why aren’t the rest of you sitting down to prepare for the meeting?! That is too slack.”

Shiraishi: “I thought Atobe is the one who organized this. I wonder how people in Rikkai’s tennis club can stand him.”

Saeki: “Weren’t you the one standing outside?”

Sanada: “I was making sure that everyone is arriving! The meeting should have begun on time, but due to Shiraishi-kun arriving ten minutes late…”

Shiraishi: “For goodness sake, it was only ten minutes, and this is only the second time I’ve been to Tokyo…oh, forget it!”

Sanada: “And then, Aoi-kun only comes fifteen minutes late…”

Aoi: “I am so sorry, Sanada-san!”

Saeki: “It’s alright, Kentarou, don’t let that get you down.”

Sanada: “What do you mean ‘don’t let that get you down’? You should be ashamed of being late! Especially when you are the captain!”

Shiraishi: “Sanada-kun, we are not from Tokyo while I’m not even from Kantou. I don’t know what happened with Aoi-kun, but I was as good as shoved on the train.”

Sanada: “I am not from Tokyo either! But…”

Shiraishi: “Well, that is true, but the main point is that you are over reacting.”

Sanada: “Over reacting? You guys are being much too slack – ”

Yukimura: “Now, now, Genichiro, why don’t we just all sit back and let the meeting start?”

Sanada: “Of course, Yukimura, and I am sorry.”

Shiraishi: “That is a bit like how I manage Kin-chan, but there is quite a big difference between these two.”

Saeki: “don’t think I can ever see that happening in our school.”

Mizuki: “Mm-hmm, so that is Rikkai’s secret.”

Tezuka: “Ah, as to be expected of Yukimura.”

Sengoku: “wow, that is amazing!”

Tezuka: “So everyone is here?”

Sanada: “Apart from…”

Yukimura: “Now, now, Genichiro.”

Sanada: “Sorry.”

Everyone else: “So this is Yukimura’s true strength.”

Saeki: “Why don’t we introduce our self then? Since some of us might not know everyone. Well, I’ll start, I am Saeki Kojirou! The vice captain of Rokkaku!”

Aoi: (stand up and bow): “Hi everyone, I am Aoi Kentarou, captain of Rokkaku and I am really glad to meet all of you!”

Tachibana: “I am Tachibana Kippei, the captain of Fudomine.”

Tezuka: “Tezuka Kunimitsu. Seigaku’s captain. Third year in Seishun Gakuen.”

Ooishi: “I am Ooishi Shuichiro, the vice captain of Seigaku. I am really glad to see some familiar faces, as well as meeting new people.”

Sengoku: “I am Sengoku Kiyosumi! Lucky Sengoku! The vice-captain from Yamabuki.”

Minami: “I am Minami Kentaro, captain of Yamabuki.”

Shiraishi: “I really must have a talk with Kenya when I get back to Osaka, he told me that Sengoku is the captain. Didn’t Koharu say the same thing too?”

Shiraishi: “Shiraishi Kuranosuke, I am the captain of Osaka’s Shitenhouji.”

Mizuki: “I am Mizuki Hajime, I am here to represent St Rudolph.”

Everyone: “so he’s not even the vice captain, let along the captain. Why on earth is he here then?”

Sengoku: “Oh, that mm-hmm guy.”

Yukimura: “Yukimura Seiichi, the captain of Rikkai dai.” (smiles radiantly)

Sanada: “Sanada Genichirou. Vice-captain of Rikkai dai.”

Shiraishi, Saeki, Sengoku, Minami, Tachibana, Mizuki: “Come on, it’s not as if you haven’t made it clear about who you are within the first five minutes of our arrival.”

Aoi: “I think I am a bit scared…why do I have to do this again?”


Tachibana: “Wait a minute, guys, I can hear this strange sound.”

Shiraishi: “It sounds like people shouting and yelling, is Tokyo usually this loud?”

Tezuka: “Atobe, you always have to do this.”

Hyotei’s tennis club: “Hyotei, Hyotei.”

Saeki: “Hey, Kentarou, take a look at Rikkai’s vice-captain.”

Aoi: “Oh my goodness, I don’t think I have seen anyone looking this mad before.”

Sanada: “HALF – AN – HOUR – LATE!”

Hyotei’s tennis club: “Atobe! Atobe!”

Shiraishi: “I can’t believe this, but this is actually all true. I wonder if the hair cutting story is true as well.”

Atobe (enters): “Ah, be awed by the sight of ore-sama’s dazzling prowess!”


Atobe: “But ore-same is the most important person in this meeting, so it is alright for Ore-sama to be a bit late.”

Aoi: “Forget what I just said, Sanada-san’s face now is truly scary.”

Yukimura: “Now, Sanada, the main thing is that Atobe is here now, right?”

(Sanada sits down without saying anything.)

Atobe: “Ah, Yukimura-kun, ore-sama is glad to hear that you have recovered, but you must know, under the guide of Ore-same Hyotei will be the ultimate winner this year, even if you are back.”

Yukimura: “Is that so, Atobe-kun? But it is such a pity that we didn’t get to see you at the finals of the Kantou regional this year. Actually, I think the last time I saw you was at the nationals last year. Shiraishi-kun, Tachibana-kun, was Hyotei the last school in the top four?”

Shiraishi: “Wasn’t it Majinofuji?”

Atobe: “Yukimura Seiichi, you are deliberately doing this as there is no way that you would actually forget the runner up.”

Tachibana: “I think Hyotei got eliminated at round two.”

Yukimura: “Really? I wasn’t sure! Hahaha! By the way, Tachibana-kun, I’ve heard that Fudomine is actually doing very well this year.”

Tachibana: “We are, we managed to take third place in the Kantou regional after we lost to Rikkai. Rikkai is truly a strong school, Yukimura-kun.”

Yukimura: “But Fudomine has become very strong too.”

Aoi: “Yeah, we played against Fudomine, and Saeki-senpai actually lost to Tachibana-san! Oh, I am so sorry Saeki-senpai.”

Saeiki: “That’s alright, Kentarou, I won’t deny that Tachibana-kun is a very strong player.”

Tachibana: “And Fudomine even played against Hyotei this year and…”

Tachibana: “Maybe I shouldn’t say that, as that might be seen as rubbing it in.”

Tezuka: “Why is everyone talking about the Kantou regional? Should I point out that Seigaku was the winner?”

Sanada: “Tezuka, even though you beat us at the regional this year, don’t think that we will just let you win the national!”

Shiraishi: “Is it me or is the room suddenly very cold? Oh well, this doesn’t concern me at all. Maybe I should buy some souvenirs from Tokyo before I leave. What is Tokyo actually famous for?”

Mizuki: “St Rudolph didn’t make it to the Kantou regional, so we can’t participate in the nationals. St Rudolph didn’t make it to the Kantou regional, so we can’t participate in the nationals.”

Sengoku: “Shiraishi-kun, you can speak Kansai-ben right?”

Shiraishi: “Of course, I’m from Osaka.”

Sengoku: “Can you teach me some phrases then?”

Shiraishi: “Sure, what do you want to learn? Stuff like ‘The weather is fine’, ‘where is the train station?’”

Sengoku: “I was thinking more along the line of ‘You are very pretty’, ‘why don’t we spend sometime together?’”

Minami: “Sengoku, is that all you think about?”

Yukimura: “Yes, it is such a pity that Rikkai lost to Seigaku. If only I was there...”

Sanada: “No, Yukimura, don’t think like that! It wasn’t your fault, it is completely my fault! I am so sorry for losing, I really am!”

Yukimura: “But Genichiro, I’m not blaming you at all! I know that it wasn’t your fault.”

Sanada: “No, it is all my fault! I am so sorry!” (keep on repeating along these lines. Getting more and more worked up.)

Minami: “Wow…I really wish that I can do that with my team mates too.”

Atobe: “Wait, this isn’t right, it should be ore-sama in the spot light!”

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