I never ever would have thought that I'd actually say this but I had work tonight and it was actually rather interesting as it went pass really past...I won't go to far by saying it was fun but the three hours passed really fast- a great contrast to the time on Tuesday where I used to spent half of it looking at my watch.

A note to Satsuki-I was almost going to strangle you but you are forgiven, yes, it is rather shameful to be bribed by a lot of milk bottles but having Satuski with me at work is really good! Although most of our other co-workers think that we are crazy as we talks about anime/mangas alot alot alot! But I think it's almost a cultural thing sometimes: western definition of cartoon is for kids, not so much for teenagers (that is certainly what I thought), which is why I only got into anime/mangas last year, end of last year actually. But there is a beauty in most of the mangas (note that I say most. I got out a volume of Initial D, flipped a few pages then gave up even though I wanted to read the manga as Koyasu Takehito is in the anime. Seems that I can only go so far. But the whole car thing in Initial D did not interest me, and I didn't really like the the drawing style.) *cough, cough* back to the main point, most mangas are beautiful- the two characters I think are drawn most beautifully will have to be Sakurazuka Seishiro (from Tokyo Babylon/X-1999) and Hotohori (aka Saihitei, emperor of Konan) from Fushigi Yugi.

Work actually started very funny today. I had a red ribbon in my hair, I brought it and wore it in my hair as my hair is finally long enough again to be able to be put in a ribbon, and ribbons always conjure up romantic feelings. (hard to explain but I can just think of so many characters who wore ribbons and how the ribbon shimmers in their hair. In fact, it really reminds me of one of my stories. Where the protagonists (a troubadour) gave his lover (a gypsy) a multi coloured ribbon and when she dances the ribbon would flow with her hair...Later on, when they were no longer together, he would held that ribbon up and think of her. Then his foster daughter wanted the ribbon and asked him to explain why he refuses to give it to her (as he pretty much indulges her in everything) topic again...But basically that's one of the strange images I would conjure up when I see ribbons. And lately in my fan fiction for Fushigi Yugi my OC (protagonist) actually wore a red ribbon in her hair. That might have been why I choose to buy a red ribbon.

Anyway Satsuki asked me this: Are you wearing that ribbon as a tribute to Hotohori? {that was why she was almost strangled} My immediate thought: what the...
Although now that I think about it that is kind of true, although I always thought that he ties his hair up with a white ribbon. Although in the anime I think it was kind of dark gold? Not really sure...But I suppose she was telling the truth, now I regard the ribbon in my hair as a tribute to Hotohori. (For those who don't know, Hotohori has very long raven hair which he sometimes ties with a ribbon somewhere at his upper back, so there's a draping feeling). Although I think I paid my greatest tribute to Hotohori by writing that ~40000+ fan fiction. The fan fiction had been really fun to do and I almost am kind of sad that it is over, as writing it was really fun. I don't think I'll be doing another fan fiction like Hidden Secrets lately, if I do any fan fiction then it'll probalby just be random one shots.
Although I can read others (looks at Satsuki)(wink wink nudge nudge hint hint say no more...)

As for university, unfortunately that happened too. It could be worse I guess, and my history paper started quite interesting. As the title is Sexuality in histories you can imagine...but my lecture started the lecture by showing us a picture and wants us to tell him what it is. Not surprisingly the class waited a bit before giving him the answer. I'll leave you to guess that the picture was...

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