After watching alot of anime in the past year, I reach to the conclusion that Japanese voice actors are absolutely amazing, they are so talented! Unlike the western industry the voice actors for cartoons are really really good, and they are famous just for being a voice actor for cartoon. I mean, they are so important in an anime that you get situations when you watch an anime for the sake of a certain seiyu, (Which I admit, is what I am actually doing), you certainly don't get this with western cartoons.

My favoruite voice actor is Koyasu Takehito (子安武人) because I love his voice, it is such a beautiful voice. However, right now, the voice actor I most admire now is probably Yamaguchi Kappei (山口勝平), because his voice range is absolutely amazing. I mean, after hearing him scream out Inuyasha's "Naruku, I am going to kill you!" , then hear him purred out Ran in Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Sh?ganai's line of "Yoru, I only belong to Yoru," it is quite scary and amazing, that his voice range is just so wide. He was voicing two characters who are like at the two extreme end of a voice range. (If you have listened to Yamaguchi's lines in "Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Sh?ganai!" then you'll understand what I mean. Basically his character speak in the opposite of Inuyasha, and in one case he was purring. I'm not joking!)

Anyway, I want to put something interesting on my blog. This is a list I got from my sister, who in turn got it from her friend, and I have no idea where her friend got it from. But any way a bunch of japanese voice actors were asked the question of what one thing they would take to a no-man island. The list is actually in chiense so i kind of translated it, using the help of Wikipedia I managed to get most of it done. Although there are eleven voice actors whose name I still could not find and therefore it is not in romanji, but still in Kanji. So sorry about that!

My sister and I were actually writting our own comments beside it but that isn't done yet.Any way, please enjoy. I had a quite good laugh when I read the list. by the way i followed the japanese way of putting last name first.


石田 彰 :洗的褲子
Ishida Akira: a pair of spare pants.

關 俊彥:風箏
Seki Toshihiko: a kite

保志 總一朗:防曬油
Hoshi Soichiro: sunscreen

森川 智之:新宿)
Morikawa Toshiyuki: Shinjuku (a place in Tokyo somewhere)

石野 龍三:女朋友
Ishino Ryuuzou: my girl friend

岩田 光央:女人
A woman

子安 武人:女人
Koyasu Takehito: a woman

石川 英郎: 女人
Ishikawa Hideo: a woman

伊藤 健太郎:枕頭
It? Kentar?: a pillow

一條 和矢:身材好的美女
A woman with a good body

金丸 淳一:小叮噹的口袋
Kanemaru Jun'ichi: Doraemon’s pocket

菊池 正美:小叮噹
Kikuchi Masami: Doraemon

私市 淳 :小叮噹
Kisaichi Atsushi: Doraemon

井上 和彥: 食用野草圖鑒
Inoue Kazuhiko: book on eatable plants

江川 央生 :勇氣!
Egawa Hisao: courage

大塚 明夫:骰子
?tsuka Akio: dices

置鯰 龍太郎:小刀
Okiayu Ryotaro: a knife

小野 健一 :可愛的女孩
A cute girl;

小野阪 昌也 :車
A car

神穀 明 :釣具
Kamiya Akira: a set of fishing equipment

小杉 十郎太:正露丸
Kosugi J?r?ta: digestion pills

阪口 大助:武器
Sakaguchi Daisuke: a weapon

佐佐木 望:酒井 法子
Sasaki Nozomu: Sakai Noriko (a really famous Japanese singer)

鹽澤 兼人:信用卡
Credit card

志賀 克也 :擴音器

陶山 章央 :時鐘
Suyama Akio: a clock

關 智一:有女孩就很棒了,活潑的女孩更好
Seki Tomokazu: a girl would be nice, especially a lively one.

高木 涉 :夢

千葉 繁: 命
Chiba Shigeru: my life

千葉 進步:漫畫
Chiba Susumu: mangas

遷谷 耕史 :釣竿吧?
Fishing rod

遠近 孝一:相機
T?chika K?ichi: a camera

難波 圭一:啤酒
Nanba Kei'ichi: beers

林 延年:吉他
Hayashi Nobutoshi: a guitar

速水 獎:世界地圖
A world map

古澤 澈:太太
Furuya T?ru: My wife

古穀 澈: 橡皮艇
rubber dingy

檜山 修之: 我不想去
Hiyama Nobuyuki: I don’t want to go there

堀內 賢雄: 回程票
Returning ticket

松本 保典:拉麵
Matsumoto Yasunori: noodles

真殿 光昭:刀(蘭波拿的那種)
Madono Mitsuaki: knife (the type that Rambo use)

綠川 光:pocket monster
Midorikawa Hikaru: pocket monster (pokemon)

宮田 始典:電視
Miyata K?ki: a television

矢尾 一樹: 浴巾
Yao Kazuki: bath towel

山口 勝平:家人的照片
Yamaguchi Kappei: photographs of family members

山寺 宏一 :一個東京狄斯耐樂園
Yamadera K?ichi: Tokyo disney land.

結城 比呂: 我絕不去那種地方!!
Y?ki Hiro: I will not go there!!

Quite an interesting question, isn't it? If I am asked the question then I'll bring Sayid Jarrah from Lost with me, (he'll be able to protect you and hunt for you, so you basically don't have to worry about survival much), and if the answer have to be realistic then I'll bring an useful guy with me.

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