My last entry was moral lecture number 1, so technically that means there will be more then one lectures, but I can't be stuff doing that now. And it's because I am in a super good mood right now, although I have no idea how long that would last (My glass, as I said before, is now half empty). Anyway why am I in such a good mood? Well...because a) I got my management essay back yesterday, which to be honest I think is absolutely shit, and I actually got 10.5/15. Happy because the class average is 9.66, so it is higher then average. HAHAHAHAHA. b)I got my history essay back. 20% and I got 73%, which means I got a B and had i managed to get 2 more marks by getting 75% then I would have got a B+. But I am super happy with my mark as for my history paper last semester, I only got B- for my two course work essays although thanks to plussage my over all exam is B+ (sorry to all, I just have to brag about that cause I was so happy when I saw that mark. Actually what happened was that I was talking to my sister on line as she was in Taiwan and she told me that we can see some mark. So I went to that site and was thinking "Don't want to see it don't want to see it" When I saw the B+. Reaching Ahhhhh!!!!! I was going to jump for joy at a B but got a B+.) And to make me even more happy my grammar is actually marked as high competent and my tutor didn't actually say work on your grammar (Although my clarity seem to need improvement.) Still...yeah!!! c) Got my information system's mark, haven't got the actual text. 74%, not bad as class average is 58.4%. So a very good mood and since I managed to borrow a text book I can use my one hour break to work on my blog, instead of taking note, which is what I planned to do. is official, I no longer work at warehouse stationary. Yeap, I had my last day. It was quite touching, although most of the part time whom I had work with and become friends with are either doing full time or no longer there or working weekends. Yeah...kind of sad to think about it. But working there...I've seen like my supervisors being changed for seven times, to be honest, it's this year. Now I have to start living as I did before I got a job, spend little. But I kept on thinking about my first day, which is about one year and a few months ago now, my first day there...being scared and nervous and all that...And before on my Monday shifts...I'm like the oldest night filler there. Yeah...reminiscence. I remember how there was a time when three guys were playing cricket during a break with a stress ball, the empty roll for those large brown paper...sigh...and how I was actually training one of my friends on his first day, make me felt old. :) And how I had to pick up rubbish for work...and then I actually saw the dad of one of my best friends. That was.......... Also, how I used to knit during my breaks, that aroused many interesting comments. So I am a bit sad to leave but I still left as things are going downhill there since the new hours. I HATE WORKING TO TEN!!! it's not fair to ask my mum to pick me up so late either. And the problem is after dinner I don't have much time to work so it's hard for motivation, and same with when I get home.
I got a card too! (yeah!) I was quite worried as I remembered what happened to one of my friends when she left, she got taped to a pole and the guys ritually pour water over her. But the trouble is I still have some people I need to say good bye to that I didn't get to say yet. So I have to do that soon.

Anyway, onto a more cheerful thing. Since this year had been filled with anime and manga I thought I would share my favourite Japanese names. For me, regardless of the language, I have always liked names that are associated with nature or is a descriptive word (eg. Fleur de lys, Rose, Amber, Esperanze). So it seems that most of the japanese names that I really like fits into this category. Although i remember my japanese teacher in 3rd form told me that my name is Arisu or something like that in Jap....To be honesty I don’t like reading manga in Chinese, even traditional ones for the main reason that I can’t recognize the characters of the people’s name so I tend to give them a weird name or mispronounce it (poor x casts…I read the whole 18 volume thinking that Arashi was pronounce in this completely different way until my sister told me the right way, and poor Kakyou, I kept on calling him the bird guy because of the feathers that surrounded him. In fact Fushigi Yugi is almost an oddity as I could pronounce most people’s name right in Chinese.) But even though I like reading the manga in English, I like seeing their character’s name in kanji, as some names are so pretty in kanji!!! So…my favourite names.

Yuri (百合) I like this name probably because it means lily, and I really like Fleur de Lys (Flower of the valley, which means lily in French) too. But I don’t recall this being someone’s name in any manga, so this is a name I just like. As I said before, I like names associated with nature.

Setsuka (雪華) (X) When I found out what the kanji for this name is I just found it so so beautiful!!! Now I see love this name. In this name Setsu means snow, and ka means splendour. I don’t know how to translate I am afraid.

Yoru (夜) (Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shōganai!) I don’t really know why but I just found someone literally being called ‘night’ sounds really nice.

Kaen (花婉) (Fushigi Yugi) I seem to really like any names associated with flowers, once again, I just find this name really nice.

I will update more next time when I have time, don’t know when that will be though, but I avhe to run to a lecture!!!

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