Gosh I have gone crazy…yes I really have. First of all why did I stay up to finish doing an Inuyasha 100 question thing and secondly, why am I posting it up when I know that it would include many typos and bad translations. I think this is just a…I want to do it moment so I am posting this up. Those of you who watches Inuyasha might want to do this too!

I got this from my sister (as I tend to get most stuff from her) who got this from someone’s blog…I think. The person who did this 100 question really likes Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru and Rin, so there are a lot of questions on them (and I also had to make up 2 more questions due to certain reasons). It is originally in chinese so I had to translate the question, and I’ve been doing this in the middle of the night so it won’t be that good a translation. But as long as the main ideas get through right? So anyway, this is why the questions are what they are. I suppose this is a bit like an Inuyasha review?

1. ”Which do you like better, the original manga or the anime?”
I actually like the anime better because when I looked back the manga (which I did just for this questioner) I feel that the manga’s early drawings are not that nice as compared to the latter drawings in the manga- which is the same as anime. So unlike the manga the anime’s drawing style kind of stays consistent, and I think people are drawn better in the anime/latter manga. Also, there are more really funny and sweet stories in the anime.
So…I like the anime better.

2. ”When did you start reading Inuyasha?”
2005- I was waiting for my friend in borders when she told me that she’ll be late, I then start to flip copies of Inuyasha. But I guess I only properly see/read it when I went to Satsuki’s (not her real name but she knows who she is) house and she had rented out the first episodes. So I watched it. So I guess I first properly know the story in December/November 2005. Very very late. I only watched up to 24 though.
Then earlier this year at June I started reading the first 30, and then in November as celebration to exam’s end I finished reading the rest 17 or so, then went to read the rest which are in chapters. I am now reading it every week whenever it comes out, and a week or two ago I have started watching the rest of the anime.
WARNING: will have spoiler then.

3. “What do you think is distinguished about Inuyasha compared to the author’s other works?”
Unlike Ranma 1/2 and mansion Ikoku, it is not as chaotic, while is it more happy then mermaid saga. These three are the only three of Rumiko Takahashi’s stories that I know, so I guess right now I regard it as being different by being more serious, with a much more distinguished plot, people are clearly doing something (as opposed to these three). Ranma 1/2 is really just about new fights Ranma get in, and occasionally with something happening to him and Akane, while mansion Ikoku focus on the two characters’ problem of being together, and Mermaid Saga is just the two of them travelling. So Inuyasha have a more complicated plot.

4. ”Who is your favourite character and why?”
I think my favourite character is Sango, in the sense that I am most concerned about her, what will happen to her. And my favourite bit is when she comes out. As for why she is my favourite character, I mean Inuyasha is the central character and all that but I just don’t like him as much as I like Sango. As for Kagome, I don’t know why but I just never really like her or dislike her strongly. For me she kind of is just there, I like her to the fact that I can feel sorry for her but I don’t care about her that much.

5. “What is your first impression of Inuyasha?”
Why on earth does he have such weird ears?

6. ”Who is your favourite female character and why?”
Well, my favourite character is a female so just see Q4 for explanation.

7. “What do you think is the most hilarious thing with Inuyasha?”
Hmm…when he was in Kagome’s house, and was told to kill a cockroach. The funny bit is that he pulled out tessaiga to do it. I really cracked out when I see the bit (especially when the author pointed an arrow toward the cockroach, which was tiny.)

8. “What do you think is the cutest Inuyasha moment?”
I guess the bit in movie 2 when he was shaking water off-exactly like a dog.

9. “What do you think is Inuyasha’s coolest moment?”
After he saved Kagome from the Noh mask, he was holding his katana while the sun was rising in the back ground…

10. “What is your favourite line said by Inuyasha?”
When he was explaining to Kagome about how he broke his bike, and what he said afterward: “But it doesn’t matter if that is broken, because I’ll carry you.” I just thought that that line is so sweet!

11. “What do you think is the most idiotic thing Inuyasha ever said?”
”If she (Sango) really likes him (Miroku) then why is she always slapping him whenever he touches her butt?” I mean…how dense can you get…

12. “What do you think is the funniest thing Inuyasha ever said?”
“I’ll help you, because we are brothers.” (Episode 72) to that little cat yokai who wanted to become Toutusai’s apprentice. It’s just funny when you think about Inuyasha’s relationship with Sesshomaru- they basically greet each other by attacking one another (the most friendly greeting his brother ever give him is probably saying ‘You are still alive?’ before he attack), and yet here Inuyasha is saying siblings should love and help each other.

13. “Do you think Inuyasha acts in a contradictory way?”
I guess not really, I think he is a rather consistent character who changes due to his development. (growth) I think the person who truly acts in a contradictory fashion is his brother.

14. “What do you think is the good and bad qualities of Inuyasha?”
The good = being loyal and willing to defend those he regard as friends and companions; being a very cute character; does care about other people a lot; and it seems he actually prefer to not kill if possible.
The bad = being too loyal. Thinking that he should die with Kikyo due to what happened fifty years ago; have a tendency to be rather dense at time; not fully realizing the pain he is putting Kagome through due to the whole Kikyo thing; acts with instinct and emotion; not being sensitive enough.

15. “Do you think Inuyasha is fickle?”
Not really, because he truly loves both Kikyo and Kagome.

16. “Do you think Inuyasha will turn to a human, yokai or remain a hanyo?”
Initially I thought he’ll change to a human because that is what he wanted, I defiantly don’t think he’ll be a yokai because he doesn’t want that anymore. But I guess like most people I think he’ll be a hanyo, because there is this whole accepting who you are thing, as well as the fact that Kagome would rather him remain as a hanyo.

17. “What is your favourite scene in regard to Kagome?”
Pushing him to the centre of the bridge, then calling out ‘sit’.

18. “What is your favourite line said by Kagome?”
“Aren’t you meant to be the hero?” (In episode 1 when Inuyasha killed the centipede yokai and then started to attack her) Because that was what I was thinking, I didn’t thought Inuyasha would go psycho and attack her due to the fact that I know that he is the hero of the story.

19. “What do you think is the most classical line said by Kagome?”
Her famous “SIT!”

20. “What do you think is the cutest thing Kagome ever said?”
“Surely he (Miroku) can’t be that bad.” Due to him saying she is pretty, a very cute moment!

21. “Do you agree with Kagome going back to Inuyasha even though he chooses Kikyo?”
I’m not sure about agreeing but I defiantly think she is very brave to do that, although I rather see Inuyasha realising his truth feelings and go to her instead.

22. ”Would you save Kikyo if you are Kagome?”
I will get shot for this but no, I wouldn’t save her. I do not think that I can be that noble in such a situation especially due to the fact that I really feel Kikyo should die for the sake that she is dead, and that she is reincarnated in Kagome. But on the other hand not saving someone is almost like killing someone, and I don’t think I have the courage to do that. Kind of a big dilemma which will probably result in manslaughter as the person would probably have already died when I made my decision.

23. “”Which character do you hate the most, and why?”
Naraku, because he really is such a sadistic bastard. Honestly, he does all these things just for the sake of it being fun… Unlike Onigumo (who at least is in love with Kikyo) he tricks Inuyasha and Kikyo into killing one another for the sake of it.

24. “What do you think of Kikyo?”
Initially I really like the thing between Inuyasha and Kagome because I regard reincarnation as the same as the person being born as who they are. So it’s like the two of them get a second chance. I regard Kikyo as Kagome, and I guess I like Kagome, instead of disliking her. Then Kikyo comes back alive and that is just…weird. That she and Kagome both exist at the same time. I then dislike her when she tries to take Inuyasha to hell with her even after Kagome told her what really happened, you would have expected her to at least show some emotion, and maybe regret at what she did to Inuyasha, but instead she just went “I’m dead so I want him dead and screw it all.” That’s why I find her really hard to like. Later on, she keeps on treating Kagome in what might seen to be a mental way of torturing. Pretending to be really noble and self sacrificial when she is taunting Kagome, I think that is hypocritical because I’ll like her better if she just admit that she doesn’t like Kagome (which is what Kagome did, she admit what she feel about Kikyo- jealousy and even resentment.) but unlike Kagome, Kikyo keep on acting in a ‘poor poor me fashion- my reincarnation is with Inuyasha and she feels negatively at me,’ without admitting the fact that she is not exactly behaving as a saint to Kagome either. She acts as if she is in the full right when she has done wrong too.

25. “Who do you think Inuyasha really love, Kagome or Kikyo?”
Evil face= his brother (get bashed)
Ok, I was joking…I couldn’t help but to say that due to having listening to Muteki and hearing that this person (after hearing Muteki was asked who Inuyasha should be with) and her instinct was: Maybe his brother.
But seriously, I don’t really know how to answer this question because when I first watch Inuyasha my thought was that Kagome is like Inuyasha’s second chance due to what happened. I consider them as the same person.

26. “Who do you think Inuyasha would choose in the end?”
I’m being very good now (see above) Since Kagome and Kikyo are not the same, then I think he would choose Kagome because Kagome accepts him for what he is, she would not want him to be a human unlike Kikyo. Also, she forgives him, and does not want to harm Inuyasha by taking him to die (unlike Kikyo) I think Kagome is those who have the idea of “As long as you are happy then I am willing to suffer” while Kikyo is the “If I am to suffer then I will take you with me”. I say Kagome because I feel she might not have done what Kikyo did.

27. “Which bits do you think show that Inuyasha is actually loving Kagome, and getting over Kikyo?”
When he did not chase after Kikyo even though Kagome saved her, I can’t remember when that bit is though.

28. ”Who do you think is the cutest character?”
Inuyasha- especially when he is drawn in a really cute way, as oppose to a cute-serious way. And the fact that he can be quite dense…

29. “What is your favourite scene with Shippo?”
When he receives the challenge letter in episode 68, his attempt of trying to be brave, but failing to. How he said he doesn’t want the rest to go with him, when he clearly does, and then the bit when he said to Kagome “Are you sure the letter says to Shippo instead of Inuyasha?”

30. “What do you like about Miroku?”
Mainly his rather practical and even mercenary attitude. He doesn’t mind conning and lying to people, then it is mainly due to the fact of he and Sango’s relationship- how he can be really sensitive and kind to her (although he does tend to spoil it by touching her butt at certain times)

31. ”What is your favourite scene with Miroku?”
What he said in regard to the ink painter (episode 17). “Oh, is it for real this time?” when he sees the demon. It’s mainly due to his expression, the fact that he wasn’t scared or panicking in any way, but an ‘It’s bond to happen one day’ expression.

32. “”Why doesn’t Miroku keep his hand to himself when he knows that Sango will slap/punch/hit him?”
In regard to other girls I think it is because it is kind of his instinct, but in regard to Sango I think it is because he really loves her- he really is attracted to her.

33. “What do you think of Sango?”
I really like her because she is very different from women at that time by being a professional yokai exterminator. I think her devotion to her brother is absolutely touching (especially if you compare how she looks after Kohaku as opposed to Inuyasha and his brothers.) I also feel very sorry for her due to the fact that her family are all destroyed, while she also had to face her brother many times, who usually don’t remember her. I also feel sorry for her in regard to the fact that Miroku (who she likes) have a tendency of flirting with other girls, this must be really hard to live with.
Sango is also a really admirable character by continuing to live, especially after all that has happened to her. And one of the most admirable things is that she does not flaunt her tragedy, she simply states it.
However one thing about Sango that can be annoying is that she usually hide her true feeling (kind of like Sesshomaru), this especially happens when Miroku is concerned.

34. “What is your favourite scene with Sango in it?”
When she told her father that it doesn’t matter that Kohaku is not that skilled yet, because she will watch over him. Also most of the bit when she comes out with Miroku, because the two of them are really sweet together.

35. “What is the line you most can’t stand in Inuyasha?”
Whenever Naraku give his ‘Hahaha, you can’t defeat me’ speech.

36. “What do you think about Naraku?”
One sadistic bastard, on top of that he has to look really gross even though the prince whose body he use was actually pretty good looking. I mean, he can look pretty good but he chooses to look really disgusting instead. If you look really gross to began with then it’s a ‘ok…that can’t be helped’ but it’s the fact that Naraku can look really good.
He also seems really bored as he does all these things just for fun, as well as taunting everyone even if he just managed to escape. The typical “haha you should have killed me now” instead of thinking “shit…I almost died” kind of villain. Which get really annoying.
Basically: sadistic, disgusting and I can’t wait for the scene when he finally gets killed.

37. “What do you feel about Kagura?
Initially I didn’t really think much about her, although I did note her for kind of being pretty. (Especially when every other of Naraku’s creation is headed toward gross or disgusting) I think I like her when she didn’t really want to fight Inuyasha (manga). I start to like her when I watch the anime, because the seiyuu really portrayed her really well. In fact, one of my all time favourite line in Inuyasha is actually said by Kagura.
“I am the wind.” Whenever she said that it just makes you want to cry, because it is so sad. I think I like her and I really feel sorry for her and her death is really really sad.

38. “What do you think about Kanna?”
Initially I just thought of her as a mindless machine- even her voice sound dead. But I changed my mind when I saw the bit when she was actually thinking of Kagura. I feel her death is really sad, not as sad as Kagura because of the whole “I struggle for my freedom so much, and it is this?” but because of the fact that she didn’t want to die, but was forced to. Now that I see her appearing in the anime, I feel really sad.

39. “What do you feel toward the baby and Hakudoshi?”
Ewwwwwww, they are Naraku’s creation alright, as well as ‘someone please shut them up!’ In regard to Hakudoshi, his death really shocked me, because I didn’t think that he’ll die so quick, and without much struggle…

40. ”When did you first see Sesshomaru?”
In Episode 5, when he killed a whole camp of people, which led to him using Inuyasha’s mother and him going to kill his brother. Didn’t like him at all, in fact, I was really hoping that he would get killed as I though of his as: crazy bastard who just kills everyone in sight. Then see him make his reappearance when he accepted the arm from Naraku…at that time I really hoped that he would get sucked into Miroku’s wind tunnel (because he was going to kill Inuyasha and Kagome)
I only start to like him better due to the Rin incident and after seeing the third movie. In his case I actually like him better due to the influence of some really high quality fan fiction. I know, I know, this is bad but the damage has been done!

41. Prior to Rin’s appearance do you think that there is any evidence of Sesshomaru being a good person?
Um…no…I really think that until Sesshomaru saw Inuyasha as having transformed to a full yokai, he was willing to kill his brother. I think him seeing Inuyasha being berserk is a turning point, as I believe he started feeling some sympathy for his brother at that moment. But by that time Rin already come out.

42. ”What do you think Sesshomaru’s life philosophy is?”
Initially ”I am always right”, and after he realized that he was wrong (eg, when Rin dies a second time): “Perhaps I am not always right but I still have no need to admit this to anyone else.”
“I have no need to explain my self” remains constant through out the story.

43. ”Which words do you think is not in Sesshomaru’s dictionary and why?”
”I am wrong”, “I can explain”, “I will explain.” See above for explanation.
“Moving out of some one’s way”, “Taking a turn” see Q49 for a detailed explanation.

44. ”How will Sesshomaru explain why he takes Rin around when he made it clear that he really hate humans?”
As mentioned before, he is always right, and even if he is not always right, he has no need to explain himself.

45. “Sesshomaru obviously hates Hanyo, but what would he do if he ever has offspring who are hanyo?”
Basically react in the same way as he feels toward Inuyasha, which is: “Even though my brother is a hanyo, he is still better then most yokai for the sake that he is my father’s son.” Basically as long as anyone have their family’s blood they will be better then the rest.

46. “How would Sesshomaru explain the fact that he ended up doing many of the things that Inuyasha did, which he mocked.”
(see Q44)

47. “Describe Sesshomaru’s purpose.”
1= find his father’s grave, 2= find a new arm/sword, 3= find Naraku

48. “Some people think Sesshomaru’s home is actually a large castle in the West, what do you think?”
Not unlikely, as his mum does live in a palace. And he seems the type of person who might actually live in a palace.

49. ”What do you think is the most ridiculous/unbelievable thing Sesshomaru ever said?”
Whenever he gives his typical command of "Move out of my way.” Or the “Why haven’t any of you left yet” (first appearance)” Because half the time he is the one in the wrong, ie. he should probably take a turn as the humans/yokai in front of him are usually in the middle of having a serious battle, but he make it sound as if they are in the full wrong for not parting to make a path for him. (especially in episode 79)

50. “What do you think is the most idiotic thing said by Sesshomaru?”
In movie 3, when he said “I have nothing to protect” after he just realize who he wanted to protect, and before he did his actions out of protecting someone. I think it is idiotic because it is just such a stupid self denial. It is almost like the famous “I don’t care, when you obvious care.”

51. “What do you think is the best line said by Sesshomaru?”
When he said: “Nothing is worth the price of your (Rin) life.” When Rin dies a second time. That is such a touching line, and is kind of a sign that he really is changing. (and that he is not always right).

52. “What is your favourite scene with Sesshomaru?”
When he sees Inuyasha going berserk (don’t remember where in the manga, but in the anime it should be episode 52) because he actually looks sad as he sees what happened with Inuyasha.

53. ”Compare the way Sesshomaru is drawn in the manga and anime”
I don’t really like how Sesshomaru is drawn when he first come out, as now that I look back at it, he is drawn rather different then how he is drawn later on (which is very much like how he is drawn in the anime.) When he first come out he seems younger as well as shorter, he seems more of a boy then a man, as oppose to how he is drawn in the latter books and the anime, when he looks really cool, and more as a man who is rather tall. But then, most of the characters look rather different if you compare then to the way they were first drawn. I was actually really surprised when I re-read the first few manga.

54. “Inuyasha is a hanyo, but why will Sesshomaru, a full yokai, be tangled up with a human?”
Because by being involved with a human in whatever way, is a way of learning compassion, because humans are weaker then yokai.

55. “Out of everyone’s comment in regard to Sesshomaru, which one is your favourite?”
Toutusai’s: “These two stupid brothers” because that is one of the lines that first made me realize how similar the two brothers actually are.

56. “Do you think Sesshomaru is smart?”
I think he is smart, although you don’t really see it, as 99% of the time his strategy is just going up and kill whatever in his way, or annoy him. But it seems that he is smart.

57. ”What do you think is the most distinguishing thing about Sesshomaru? “
He is the only yokai who can catch Kagome’s arrows. While actually that bit really show how powerful he is as even Naraku got affected when Kagome shot him. Actually it’s almost funny…isn’t the saying doing something with your bare fist? In his case he did is with his bare fingers…Have to admit though, that bit is way too cool…

58. “Do you like or dislike Rin, why?”
I guess I like her, because she is just such an innocent and sweet little girl!

59. “What do you think is the bravest thing said by Rin?”
I don’t know about the bravest thing said, but I think the bravest thing she did is to give Sesshomaru food when it is clear that he is a yokai.

60. “What do you think is the cutest thing said by Rin?”
“She (Kagura) must like Sesshomaru-sama, because she keeps on praising him.” It just seems too cute, as well as whenever she praises Sesshomaru, because she truly thinks what she is saying.

61. “What is your favourite scene with Rin?”
In episode 96 when Rin went to Jijenji in order to get herbs to save Jaken. Upon Jijienji’s mother’s question of “Are you perhaps attracted to that yokai that you want to save?”, I really like her innocent reaction of asking “What does that mean?”

62. “Which bits show the development of the relationship between Rin and Sesshomaru?”
When she knows that Sesshomaru would save him, instead of wandering whether he would save her, and when she began to call out to him for help/

63. ”What is the relationship of Sesshomaru and Rin?”
I think it is a father and daughter one, although it still kind of dysfunctional. I did consider that it might get romantic about ten years later but now…not really. I really think Sesshomaru would make a good couple with someone like Sango (See Q99 for more elaboration) Someone really strong willed because I don’t think he would want his future partner to be that submissive although I suppose it is possible that opposite might attract.

64. ”Would Rin choose Kohaku- provided that Kohaku can be alive somehow?”
I think this is a great possibility, and also…if Sango and Sesshomaru do end up together somehow, wouldn’t it be really cute if Rin and Kohaku becomes a couple when they get older? Vice versa.

65. “Jaken always said that ‘if something happen to Rin, then Sesshomaru-sama would kill me,” do you think he would?”
No, because by the time he cares that much about Rin, Sesshomaru had changed greatly. At least greatly changed from someone who would randomly kill someone just because he’s pissed.

66. ”What do you think Sesshomaru feels toward Kagura?”
I don’t think there is something romantic but I think he does feel some sort of maybe pity for her for some strange reason, but I don’t think it will led to a romance.

67. “What do you think Inuyasha feel towards Sesshomaru?”
I think he doesn’t like his brother due to the fact that Sesshomaru would kill his companions without a second glance, while he also resent Sesshomaru for having known their father, which led to the possibility of him hating Sesshomaru as his brother was trying to get Tessaiga, which is one of the only few things Inuyasha have of his father.

68. “Since Sesshomaru seem to hate Inuyasha so much, then why does he keep on addressing himself as Inuyasha’s elder brother?”
I think much as he hates to admit it, he does regard Inuyasha and him as siblings due to the fact that they do share a father, which is unchangeable.

69. “Why did Sesshomaru stop being Inuyasha’s enemy?”
Because he got over the whole tessaiga thing, and then maybe he just couldn’t be bothered because he is too occupied with doing something else (finding Naraku, finding a better sword). Although not being Inuyasha’s enemy only means not killing him on purpose, if he accidentally meets him then it seems alright (like the time when he got Tokijin and in episode 96)

70. “What does Sesshomaru feel toward the fact that Inuyasha chopped off his arm?”
I think it is the “If anyone is going to chop my arm off, then it might as well be my half-brother, because he is my father’s son.”

71. “Do you think Sesshomaru and Inuyasha will make up one day?”
Much as I’ll like it I don’t think there will be a time when the two brothers will embrace each other and weep and apologize at the same time. I think the closet they can get will be the two brothers meeting up, and greet each other properly before they go on separate ways. And people will only know that they actually meant something to the other if one gets injured, as the other will probably step in, although I doubt they would ever admit they are helping the other.

72. “Who do you think is stronger out of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha?”
Sesshomaru (after all, he is the only person who can catches hama no ya - the demon destroying arrow.) And he seems to know how to use tessaiga better then Inuyasha. But as for why Inuyasha would win... I think Sesshomaru was surprised when Inuyasha first use wind scar, and in a way Inuyasha have more determination because he want to protect someone. (In fact, there are bits in the story that shows the theme of protecting someone.)

73. “What do you think Inunotaisho will feel if he knows that his two sons were fighting in his grave?”
“Do they really think of me as their father if they show no scruple in fighting on my grave?”

74. “What do you feel about Sesshomaru’s mother?”
One of the characters that really shock me, because she seems very well off and there is no trace of a discarded woman. So I guess her relationship with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha’s father is either a political one, or has already ended when their father met Inuyasha’s mother. She seems very capable and strong, although a bit scary. But it seems that she clearly cares for her son, although she would be one of those females who do not easily say what they feel.

75. “Kagome is a human, while Inuyasha is a hanyo, so the two of them can not grow old together, what do you think they would do about this?”
If Inuyasha doesn’t turn into a human then I think maybe the shikon shard can do something that might make Kagome have the same life span as Inuyasha.

76. “Who do you think will die next?” (as I answer this, Kanna is the latest person who died)
1 (person I think is most likely to die) = Koga, despite the fact that he no longer have the shikon shard, because he seem the type of person who would die. I can just imagine him dying in the final battle with Naraku with an “I love you, Kagome, therefore I am happy to die for you” with his eventual acceptance of “Inuyasha, I actually don’t hate you, and I hope that you and Kagome will achieve happiness together.” Koga just seem that type of person.
2 (next person) = Kaede, she is old and one of the few people left who recollect the whole Kikyo and Inuyasha thing. I don’t know, I just feel she might die, because she will die in content.
3 (Kohaku) = he has the final shikon shard and I don’t see how Naraku can be defeated without the shikon shard being whole again.

77. “Do you think any one in Inuyasha’s gang would die?”
I hate to say this but if one of the members of the gang would die, then I think it would be Sango.
a= Inuyasha and Kagome simply can’t die, I don’t think the author can be hard enough to make her two central characters die.
b= Miroku would not die because it would just be pointless if he dies due to the fact of the wind tunnel, also, I think he is the type of man who would be wiling to marry or just have a child with a woman he doesn’t love for the sake of having an heir. So if Sango does die, I think he would still manage to produce an heir even though he’ll probably spend the rest of his mourning. (If he is the type of man who would never be willing to have a child with a woman he doesn’t love then I don’t think Sango would die, because if he has no heir despite the fact that Naraku is defeated then there is just no point.) I am not saying that Miroku is not faithful or anything, but rather I’m saying he is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his family- which is very admirable.
c= I just don’t think Shippo would die, kind of…I don’t see a point or reason for killing him.
d= there is this whole Kohaku being controlled so I think Sango might end up dying with Kohaku, or for him as she want to save him.

78. “Do you think there are contradictory bits in Inuyasha?”
As someone mentioned, how is it possible for Inuyasha’s father to be mortally injured with his battle against Ryuukotsusei if his son can kill it with what seemed relative ease? Also, why doesn’t Sesshomaru ever really mention the fact that Inuyasha chopped his arm off? I mean, not once did he say “Inuyasha, suffer for the fact that you chopped my arm off.” I mean, that is a logical thing to be angry with.

79. “Do you think Kagome and Inuyasha might not be able to get together because they are from two different worlds?”
No, if she can get there then it means that they can be together.

80. “What do you think the ending will be?”
Kagome would stay in Inuyasha’ time and eventually become the priestess of the village when Kaede dies, and occasionally visits her family by the well.

81. ”Which weapon do you think is the best?
Tenseiga, because it is the only weapon that let you literally resurrect someone! Then I’ll have to say tokijin- despite the fact that it is evil- as you can just wave it and overpower others by the sword’s aura. Sweat drop…how come they are both Sesshomaru’s weapons? Accident! Accident!

82. “Why does hanyo tend to have a yokai father who dies early?”
Maybe because yokai tend to be killed although it doesn’t make sense that much. I guess it is because male yokai tend to end up being killed as they defend their offspring and wife. As mentioned below- male yokai who have off springs with human might not always be powerful, while it seem yokai female who have children with humans are usually really powerful.

83. “Why does most hanyo have a human mother instead of a yokai mother?”
I think it might be due to the fact that female yokai are more strong and capable, so we don’t get to see their children wondering around as opposed to human mothers (we don’t know about them), who will die earlier too. And as mentioned above, yokai fathers seem to die early. It seems that if a female yokai would have a child with a human, then she must be really powerful.

84. “In your opinion, what is the dodgiest line in the story?”
I can’t answer this one because right now I truly don’t know.

85. “List your five favourite seiyuu in Inuyasha and explain why.”
1 = Yamaguchi Kappei (Inuyasha) He really make Inuyasha a very lively character and even if you don’t like Inuyasha at all, you have to applaud how he manages to growl exactly like a dog! (Not to mention how he did his cute cute voice in episode 65 -it’s just like his Ran voice in Sukisyo).

2= Narita Ken (Sesshomaru) in the anime Sesshomaru is always shown as a cold and aloof character and Narita Ken really did really well with his voice, but he also did well enough to not make Sesshomaru seem lifeless, he is just…cold, but his voice really matches the character’s appearance.

3= Morikawa Toshiyuki (Naraku). He really made Naraku sounds so evil evil, the smugness and the coldness, along with the cruelty.

4= Kuwashima Houko (Sango). I can’t really explain this but I just feel she sounds so nice when I heard her Sango. Her voice contributes to making Sango strong, yet vulnerable. (On a side note- the seiyuu sings really beautifully!)

5= Ogami Izumi (Kagura) For me, she made Kagura into a 3D figure instead of a 2D one. She naturally did the voicing acting really well…as I said before, one of my favourite line of Inuyasha is actually when Kagura says “I am the wind”. The voice actor manages to give a sense of tragedy as she said this.

86. “How many Inuyasha films have you seen?”
Just the second and third one.

87. “Which movie is your favourite?”
I like the third one because of the plot, I don’t really like the plot of the second one especially when it made me feel really sad- everyone believe that Naraku is destroyed only to realize that it is a plan. On top of that, Naraku did not appear in the third one at all and came out from Kohaku in a really disgusting fashion in the second movie. Instead, we have Sesshomaru coming out- I suppose most people would rather look at Sesshomaru instead of Naraku given the chance…

88. “List out the main things that you don’t like in Inuyasha?”
Naraku never dying, but I guess that can’t be helped. So I guess the main criticism I give is that the yokai are often really disgusting. But apart from that I have no major complaint.

89. ”How do you pay tribute to Inuyasha?
By watching Inuyasha and reading the manga. As for other…reading fan fictions. (Initially only Sango x Miroku ones, but now I’ve switched to Sango x Sesshomaru ones. There are some really good ones too! For a more detailed explanation see Q99.) And I actually started to write a fan fiction- I consider that the ultimate tribute. And the only other anime which I have done this is Fushigi Yugi and in a way, Sukisyo.

90. “What would you like to say to Inuyasha?”
“It is not a sin to love another person, so you should stop beating yourself about it.”

91. ”What would you like to say to Kagome?”
“Have you thought about having a dog?”

92. ”What would you like to say to Miroku?”
“Considering that your fiancée is a professional yokai exterminator, is it really a good idea for you to continue flirting with other girls, even if it is only parasexual?”

93. ”What would you like to say to Sango?”
“Don’t be afraid of beating up Miroku if he ever cheats on you, no one will blame you in anyway.”

94. “What would you like to say to Shippo?”
“It is not your fault that everyone else is more powerful then you. After all, Inuyasha is the son of a very great general, while Kagome is the reincarnation of a powerful miko. As for Miroku- you probably wouldn’t want the wind tunnel, while Sango achieved her skills though a lifetime of training.”

95. “What would you like to say to Sesshomaru?”
Initially: “You are not always right”, then: “Will it really kill you to not look so cool all the time?”

96. “What would you like to say to Rin?”
“You are actually the only person being treated this nicely by Sesshomaru.”

97. “What would you like to say to Jaken?”|
“After all these years of Sesshomaru, haven’t you learnt when to shut up in order to not make him angry?”

98. “What would you like to say to Naraku?”
“Are you really enjoying your life by being hated and cursed by 99% of the world?”

99. ”What is the thing that you most want to see in Inuyasha?”
Hmmm…I can divide this into two categories. Something that I would like to see that would be possible as oppose to something that I want to see, even though it is impossible.
Well…what I really want to see in Inuyasha is something that would never happen, and that is…Sango and Sesshomaru ending up together (I can’t help it! I think they will be a really good couple! They’re both really strong and yet they have the tendency to hide what they really want to say. There is also the irony that he is a yokai while she is a yokai exterminator.) Must admit… (sweat drop)…I have been reading a lot of Sango x Sesshomaru fan fictions. I mean, I still like the Sango and Miroku pairing but I just think she and Sesshomaru makes a better paring (they are the weirdest paring I have every supported because there really is nothing going on between them. But still…)
As for what is possible…I can’t wait to see Naraku finally getting killed. He is such a sadistic bastard! (On top of that he had to make himself looking really disgusting.)

100. “Explain why you like Inuyasha?”
This is really hard as I don’t know how to answer it…but I guess I just like it! It is a good story, certainly make me want to know what will happen~

That is about it, I should really be going to sleep. Gosh…work today/tomorrow? I don’t really know due to the fact that it is 2 am but I don’t feel like it is a day until I wake up. Not looking forword to work as I think I’m jinxed. On Wednesday I burnt myself while I cut myself on Thursday when I was washing a knife. I think something bad is going to happen…(sobs). It is just so ironic that I am working in a food stall when I can hardly cook…the ironies of life…
But I hope to update soon with a review for Fushigi Yugi!

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