The title kind of says it all, I'm stuck in the university library, trying to research due to my stupid management essay and the problem is that it is a very difficuult process. Management writers are soooooooooo boring, and we have to use journals, there are like five shelves of management journals so it is like do i have to go through the book one by one? In the end i Opted for a different method, to serach the e-journals but it still stuck as there are so much stuff to read but half of, 1/4 of it aren't useful!!! That is why I'm taking a break and is working on my blod instead. But um...I almost wonder am I just going to forget about all these stupid journals, just look at one or two and just manage to write an essay some how...

Finally sorted out how to change the format on my blog and yes...before I forget.
(Strangles Satsuki due to what happened last night). I had just packed my bag and gone to bed and switched the light when she texted me, so I got out of bed and walked a few steps to the desk to get my phone. Since I got up and got my phone I though that I might as well texted back as she asked, but instead she didn't!!!!!!!!!!!
(whacks her on the head with my cell phone)
Gosh...another was pretty good during my last two shifts as my annoying supervisor was away due to being sick, it is bad but I don't think I'll be that lucky again today. Well, I'll just have to bear through it because of my pay.

My life is busy due to university...did stupid information system test this morning where stupid formula did not work (Sobs hysterically, I do not want to know what I will get. And for my management essay...want to tear the course book to shreads when the semester is over. I now have little time in the weekdays, and not that much more free time in the weekends. But I did watch some of the Fushigi Yugi OVA last weekend, before my freedom got stolen from me. And I'll just do a bit of a review. The home PC broke again and I can't go on the net with my own computer, and my sister's lap top...if her laptop is in the fantasy world then it's profession will be a mage. Why? Because it seem to have a low as hit point, if I accidnetly typed a bit hard then my sister start to scream and yell at me (NOTE= She seems to type quite hard on my computer. Grrr..)

When I first talked about Fushigi Yugi I said it wasn't my favourite manga/anime, but I definately like it way better now. I think the writing of my fan fiction actually helped me because I understand and appreciate the story more. But I still don't say it is my favourte just as I don't say X-1999 is my favourite manga even though my fav character is in there. I think it is because in both cases while my favourite characters are important, they are not domniating, so I end up watching it for the sake of their sake, and don't appreciate the rest as much. Although Fushigi Yugi is not as bad as X-1999, because I like romances and Fushigi Yugi has this. Most importantly, I agree with Fushigi Yugi's ending, I don't agree with X's ending.

OVA 1= This is an absolutely pointless OVA due to reason a=favourite character didn't even come out until the last 10 minute of the last episode, (unless you count the 5 second appearance in the flash back in the first episode) So natrually favourite voice actor didn't say much either (he did voice a random guard but this was not a consolation) But the more important complain (I think) b=the story is absolutely pointless, but yet whoever did it also somehow decided to kill two other important characters, it was just 'what the heck is this story for? and why did you kill these two when their death serve no purpose other then for me to dislike this even more?'

OVA 2= This is much better. I love episode 2 of the OVA and it makes me have a new perspective. I think Hotohori actually ended up loving Houki, at least his action in that episode definatly made me think that he love Houki. I hate to say this but it seems the author only decided that he loved Houki in the end when the second ova was shown, ie. after the original story was written. Because the originally story suggests that Hotohori still loves Miaka, as his dying thoughts were to her: "May you have happiness." But that episode when he was kind of united with his family for that little while was really beautiful (autumn leaf shamefully admits that she was crying).

But this along with other earlier factor is resulting me to do what I had insist that I would not do, I am writing a sequel to my fan fiction on Fushigi Yugi. My first story Hidden Secrets deals with the story in vol 1~13, this sequel will be talking about the story in vol 14~18. Initially it is like a jigsaw, i write random extracts in no order at all. But now the most annoying thing happened, I actually have an order now, I guess my border fitted, I kind of know what will happen in each chapter. But...I don't really have time to do it anymore. And I want to. Why do I want to? I like writing and writing this make me happy as I suppose I am doing the thing of twisting someone else's story I really like to the ending that I would want. And I like the character I created of Yuri (my Original Character). She is quite a strong character, she can protect herself as she can wield the sword tolerably well, but she's also comfortable in being a woman: she is usually decipered in a 'feminnine' (trailing dress) with her very long hair decorated elaborately. And mostly, I think the thing I like best about her is that while she can protect herself, she does not reject the protection of other.

Ok...long enough entry and I really have to get back to my research (sigh...shudder...sniff) A last note. I have lose all my faith in english dubs. I don't know why but I don't find some chinese dub that bad, so it is not just a question of me not understanding the language. Yet I now will officially delcare out that I find english dub ghastly, they just sounds so affected and fake? somehow I found this little clip of Fushigi Yugi -the official english dubbed version- on the net and I foolishly clicked it. Moral= kill all english dub version. The guy who did Hotohori just can't compare to Koyasu Takehito, although compared to everyone else the guy who dubbed the english version is not that bad...My main complaint is actually the woman who voiced Soh...the momment she opened her mouth I almost gagged. I mean Soh is actually one of the few proper woman in Fushigi Yugi (you'll understand what i mean if you know the story), and I think she's drawn rather beautiful too, then in the english version she opened her mouth and this most horrible voice come out. (shudder shudder) (cringe)

As for names...Shitenhouji's turn again!!!
遠山 金太郎
白石 藏之介
千歲 千里
忍足 謙也
石田 銀
金色 小春
一氏 裕次
財前 光


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